Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Winning on the uphill

Recently I started back running and riding my bike. I figured that it would provide a good stress relief from the daily activities we all face. As I thought more about it and about business in general, it reminded me of our daily tasks here at work. As I was running last night, I really want to just do around one mile, but I had a nagging feeling that I probably could do 2 miles. I told myself that I could increase my strength, resolve, and stamina if I would not only increase the run to 2 miles but also alter the course to lengthen my uphill distances. So I did. I was good on the first half mile, but wanted to stop after that. I pushed my self and completed the 2 miles in record time. And boy did I feel good about myself. :)

So what did I learn.

  • First, set a goal, attack it, and measure it.
  • Second, take the struggles/challenges and push through them.
  • Third, now I look forward to the uphill portion because it teaches me so much more.

The uphill portion, that daily struggling of activities that hurt, teaches us more than when we are coasting and going downhill. The competition wants to coast and take the easy path downhill. But you gain little other than some relief taking the easy path. The uphill, hard struggle is the path less traveled. Consider these items as you struggle through your day.

  • The best time to do customer service is when a customer is upset.
  • The best time to teach is when something is broken.
  • The best time to lead is when the direction is unclear.
  • The best time to sell is when the customer has faced a failure of some kind.
  • The best time to become well known as an organizer is when everything seems to be failing apart around the group.

If you do these things, you will:

  • Gain the respect of a customer
  • Exponentially increase the knowledge of a worker
  • Become known as the leader because you can step out and get things done.
  • Become known as the "go to person" because you got it done and organized.

But more importantly, you will be known as the winner.

Which are you, the winner or are you coasting?